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Vestibular imbalance, an imbalance in the inner part of the ear is a major cause of vertigo. There are health conditions that contribute as well certain factors that can result in vestibular imbalance.

  • Anemia and migraine can trigger vertigo.

  • Signals possibility of stroke, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, seizures or a bleed in the brain. Neck ailments like severe spondylosis.

  • Cardiovascular disorders like low blood pressure, heart rhythms and valve diseases.

  • Arthritic pains can contribute to aggravating vertigo.

  • Inflammation or infection of the inner ear that aid with balance and sense movement.

  • Viral illnesses like common cold and flu.

  • Severe migraines, Meniere's disease that causes a buildup of fluid in the inner ear and extends a feeling of ringing in the ear.

  • Decreased blood flow to the brain.

  • Certain medications can damage the ear and lead to vertigo.

  • Psychological disturbances, post-traumatic vertigo, and post-partum vertigo can cause an off balance feeling from time to time.

Intake of certain medications like anti-depressants, anti-seizure drugs, drugs to control high blood pressure, sedatives and tranquilizers may cause sudden dizziness. General health problems such as thyroid, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, anemia, and immune system diseases are other possible causes.

If dizziness or vertigo, dizziness or lightheadedness, dizziness or disequillibrium persists, you should seek medical attention immediately. Monitor and record the symptoms. Take it along and explain in detail to the medical practitioner. If constant dizziness is associated with chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, changes in vision or speech, serious head injury, leg or arm weakness, loss of consciousness that lasts for few minutes, it is best to seek emergency medical attention. It may imply a serious health condition. An in-depth diagnosis is urgently required.

Diagnostic tests that may be required include measuring blood pressure, ECG, hearing tests, neurological tests, balance testing and MRI. Many disorders can be treated with medication, surgery, diet, a change in lifestyle, or a combination of these.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's Disease is a condition caused by disorder of the inner ear. The patient suffers sudden and severe bouts of vertigo. Meniere's disease caused by changes in fluid pressure in the inner ear. Though it is not life-threatening, symptoms of Meniere's disease can be disturbing and unnerving. Though only one ear is affected in most patients, in rare cases both ears are involved. This medical condition is also called idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops.

Symptoms of Meniere's Disease are dizziness or vertigo and episodes of tinnitus. The patient may experience a pressurized feeling inside the ear. The vertigo might bring on nausea, vomiting and sweating spells. Ménière's disease symptoms come in sporadic attacks, often without warning. The unsteady feeling can linger for days. The person might occasionally experience headaches and abdominal pain. Ménière's disease often brings on progressive hearing loss, especially low-frequency hearing.

Hearing and balance tests and MRI scans aid in diagnosing Ménière's disease. Electrocochleography is helpful in recording the electrical activity of the inner ear. Audiometry is performed to rule out vestibular disorder. There is no cure for Ménière's disease but lifestyle changes and medications can alleviate some of the symptoms and reduce intensity and occurrence of attacks. Antibiotic injections of gentamicin into the inner ear helps in restoring balance function. Anti-vertigo medications such as meclizine or diazepam may provide temporary relief during the attacks of vertigo. The patient must limit salt and MSG consumption and avoid triggers such as caffeine, chocolate, tobacco, aerated drinks and tea. Surgical procedures such as removal of nerves that trigger the condition are resorted to in acute cases of vertigo resulting from Ménière's disease.


A patient suffering from Labyrinthitis experiences severe vertigo and subsequent dizziness and imbalance. There is disequilibrium and spinning attacks. Labyrinthitis is a mild condition that is caused by viral or bacterial infection. Often this condition follows a bout of cold and flu or allergy or drugs that are toxic to the inner ear. It occurs when there is an inflammation in the labyrinth of the ear. Since the sense of balance and hearing hinge on the delicate structure of the inner ear, any dysfunction can lead to symptoms associated with labyrinthitis. Usually the symptoms pass away in a few weeks. However, a severe case of Labyrinthitis can damage your sense of balance and hearing.

Labyrinthitis manifests with symptoms such as lightheadedness, imbalance and feeling of being pushed either forwards, backwards or sideways. There may be nausea, fatigue and reduced immunity. Labyrinthitis may bring on uncontrollable flickering of the eyes and momentary deafness. A patient suffering from Labyrinthitis is likely to face problems with memory and thinking abilities. Depression and anxiety may also set in.

A physician will conduct a physical examination to check for dizziness and vertigo. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infections. Hearing and eye tests may be conducted in severe cases. A mild case of Labyrinthitis lasts for a couple of weeks.

  • Take good rest
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Reduce bright lights, noise and stress around you
  • Reduce intake of salt and sugar
  • Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate
Tags: #Vertigo #Meniere's Disease #Labyrinthitis
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Collection of Pages - Last revised Date: March 28, 2025