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A polyp is an abnormal stalk-like growth on mucus membrane. Typical areas where polyps are noticed are nose, cervix, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, colon and bladder.

An endometrial polyp is found within the uterine cavity and is usually benign. Women suffering this type of polyps experience irregular menstrual bleeding, menorrhagia and pain. Endometrial polyps can be diagnosed with a hysteroscopy.

Colorectal polyps might lead to symptoms such as blood or mucus in stool, abdominal pain and diarrhea. They are diagnosed with a colonoscopy or barium meal X-rays.

Nasal polyps are usually treated with steroids to curtail their growth. Sometimes, they are surgically removed.

Colorectal polyps are nearly always removed and tested for cancer.

Cervical polyps are most often due to cervical inflammation. They might throw up symptoms such as vaginal bleeding in post-menopausal women, bleeding after sex or menorrhagia.

Gallbladder polyps most often show up during an abdominal ultrasound as they usually do not exhibit any symptoms.

Transvaginal Ultrasound

A transvaginal pelvic ultrasound is used to study the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes. A small ultrasound device is inserted into the vagina and high pitched sound waves are emitted and reflected back to the transducer. These waves are analyzed and the image is displayed on a video monitor. The picture produced by ultrasound is called a sonogram, echogram or scan. A transvaginal ultrasound helps to evaluate dysfunctional bleeding and whether any uterine fibroid or polyp is present. In post menopausal women, it is used to check the thickness of the uterine lining for any cancerous growth.


Colonoscopy allows the doctor to look into the interior lining of the large intestine. Through this procedure, the doctor is able to detect inflamed tissue, abnormal growths, polyps, tumors and ulcers. Early signs of cancer in the colon and the rectum can also be detected through colonoscopy. This procedure is also used to study unexplained changes in bowel habits, to evaluate symptoms of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and sudden weight loss. The colonoscope is a thin flexible instrument whose length ranges from 48 inches to 72 inches. A small video camera is attached to the colonoscope so that photographic, electronic or videotaped images of the large intestine can be taken. Colonoscope is used to view the entire colon as well as a small portion of the lower small intestine.

The colon should be completely empty for colonoscopy to be thorough and safe. The liquid diet should be clear of any food colorings. It should be fat free. The colonoscope is gradually inserted into the rectum and slowly guided into the colon. The scope transmits an image of the inside of the colon onto a video screen so that the doctor can carefully examine the lining of the colon. The scope blows air into the colon and inflates it so that the doctor has a better view of the colon. During the procedure, the doctor is able to remove abnormal growths like polyp in the colon.

  • Colonoscopy aids the doctor to remove most polyps without abdominal surgery.
  • Colonoscopy is more accurate than a routine x ray to detect polyps, tumors, ulcers and cancers at early stage.
  • Colonoscopy is done most often to investigate and find the cause of blood in the stool, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • Certain patients with previous history of polyps or colon cancer, patients with family history of particular malignancies, colon problems are advised to have periodic Colonoscopy because they are at greater risk of polyps or colon cancer.

Virtual colonoscopy: Here the technique that is adopted uses a CAT scan to construct virtual images of the colon. These images are similar to the views of the colon obtained by direct observation through colonoscopy. However, virtual colonoscopy cannot find small polyps which are less than 5 mm in size. These can be seen by the traditional colonoscopy. Virtual colonoscopy is not as accurate as colonoscopy in finding cancers or pre-malignant lesions that are not protruding. Virtual colonoscopy also cannot remove polyps.

Tags: #Polyp #Transvaginal Ultrasound #Colonoscopy
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Collection of Pages - Last revised Date: October 22, 2024