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Actinotherapy is the use of Ultra Violet light for treating skin conditions. Actinotherapy or the use of conventional electromagnetic waves therapy - specifically using Xrays or UV light in sufficient intensity for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of skin diseases.

There are many forms of Light Therapy:
Cold Laser Therapy: Using a low level laser light on the skin to treat some skin diseases, pain conditions and Tendonitis. The efficacy of this form of Low Level Laser Treatment (LLLT) lacks sufficient evidence.

Back of Knee Light Therapy: According to a study published in 1998, a powerful beam of light was used to 'excite' the back of knee - an area known as popliteal region to manipulate circadian rhythms. Further studies are on to use this treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and to alleviate some painful conditions like diabetic nerve pain.

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Collection of Pages - Last revised Date: July 26, 2024