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Pain Patch

The applications of pain patches are increasingly becoming popular in contemporary medical care as it provides quick relief to reduce pain. The pain patches are attached on top of the skin through which epidermal absorption of the drug takes place. In most cases, pain patches are administered near the joints.

Composition of drugs in pain patches

The type of drug applied through a specific pain patch is very important as it indicates the clinical value of the drug, the applied patch, the duration of action and side effects associated with it. Pain patches are specific to each condition.

Cancer: Transdermal method of pain patch is used to control pain and discomfort caused due to an existing carcinoma. Fentanyl transdermal system is one of the most prominent drugs used in case of cancers. It contains anopioid drug with analgesic functionality. The pharmacokinetics of this pain patch system is that the drug binds to the opioid receptors of the brain and spinal cord in reducing the sensation and perception of pain. The drug fentanyl, which is coated on the pain patch, is kept for at least three days to attain maximum pain relief. The advantage experienced by the patient through this drug is that it also reduces the emotional perception of pain.

Fentanyl is administered to most of the oncogenic cases, however precautions and thorough examination of the patient history is essential in order to administer the drug through the pain patch. Certain underlying medical conditions such as head injuries traumas, low blood pressure and even the presence of gallstones can hinder the fentanyl incorporation as it can lead to adverse reactions. Lactating mothers are not advised to take this pain patch, as it would affect the baby's central nervous system. Certain antibiotics such as erythromycin, ketoconazole and chemicals such as barbiturates and anti-seizure medications can be a hindrance as they unite with the fentanyl causing adverse reactions to the patient, which may be fatal.

Arthritis: Pain patches used in case of arthritis mostly belong to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs incorporated though the patches have a warming effect in the intended zone of pain or discomfort following a neuro signal is sent to the brain in blocking the pain perception at that respective zone. Salicylates, lidocaine patches and capsaicin are generally used. Most of these patches offer pain relief only for a period of 12 hours. Skin allergy and irritation are most common side effects.

Sciatica: This condition is also known as spinal disc herniation and most patients suffering with this condition experience a sharp and radiating pain. This kind of pain happens because of the nerve compression caused by a dis-positioned or herniated disc. In most scenarios magnetic and anesthetic pain patches are used in order to reduce the intensity of pain. The patches block the pain receptivity for shorter period of time.

Shingles: Zoster viruses cause shingles and they are very painful. In most cases Lidoderm a famous anesthetic drug is used to relieve pain. The drug is administered through the skin as a patch on a clearer part of the skin as broken skin can cause aberration when a pain patch is applied. Most of these Lidoderm pain patches are disposable and they are advised to be placed for at least 12 hours for effective pain relief.

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Collection of Pages - Last revised Date: October 22, 2024