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Ovarian Cystic Disease

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that often form during the course of a menstrual cycle. Ovarian cysts form on or in the ovaries. Usually ovarian cysts are harmless and do not cause much discomfort. Most ovarian cysts form when the follicles are not reabsorbed by the body and instead persist and form cysts. While most ovarian cysts are resolved sans any treatment, some cysts may need to be attended to. Rarely are ovarian cysts life threatening; unless there is danger of rupture and internal bleeding. Most often ovarian cystic disease is benign. A woman suffering from ovarian cystic disease may experience dull pelvic pain, menstrual irregularities and pain during intercourse. If there is any sudden pelvic pain accompanied by vomiting or fever, it is imperative to see a doctor at once. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where there multiple cysts lead to metabolic dysfunction. It manifests in symptoms such as obesity, infertility, acne and excessive body hair.

A pelvic examination and ultrasound will reveal presence of ovarian cysts. Hormone levels are tested for abnormalities. A CAT scan or MRI scan can also aid in diagnosing ovarian cysts. Often ovarian cysts may not need any active treatment. The treatment for ovarian cystic disease hinges on the size of the cysts, its growth pattern and the age of the woman. Use of birth control pills is sometimes recommended to reduce the size and symptoms of ovarian cystic disease. Laparoscopy is used to study the ovarian cysts and sometimes remove them. Cystectomy is the surgical procedure to remove the ovarian cysts without removing the ovary. This done for cysts that persist for more than a few months and grow larger than 6 cms in size. A woman can reduce the chances of ovarian cystic disease with healthy diet and fitness regimen, thereby improving overall health condition.

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